The Gene Keys are a voyage into your being. Encoded inside your DNA lies your hidden higher purpose and the Gene Keys become your map into that hidden purpose where you ignite and remember who you truly came here to be. As you unlock different parts of yourself with the Gene Keys, more and more of your truest service and essence will be released out into the world, resulting in the deepest feelings of fulfilment and grounded happiness you will ever experience.

Working with the Gene Keys is about coming to understand that every Shadow contains a Gift.

There are 64 Gene Keys which relate to the 64 codons of the human DNA. Each Gene Key is made up of 3 parts known as the Shadow, the Gift and the Siddhi. I love to refer to these 3 parts as the 64 ways that fear can show up within a human (the Shadows), the 64 ways love can be expressed through us (the Siddhis) and the 64 pathways we can take from fear to love (the Gifts).

Working with the Gene Keys is all about seeking to deeply understand your Shadow patterns and the things that are holding you back and keeping your higher purpose locked away. This is called Shadow Work and it absolutely is not as scary as it may sound.

Check out this podcast episode for more about Shadow work and why there is no need to fear it:

As you dive into your Shadow patterns and fears through the lens of the Gene Keys you will witness light, warmth and radiance opening up inside of you as you begin activating the Gifts that you came here to bring the world.

As you voyage into the Gene Keys and begin experiencing profound breakthroughs, you will never be the same again. This isn't a cute little teaching where you find out something new about yourself and move on to the next thing without any real change showing up in your life... This is a transmission that has the potential to shift the entire tapestry of your life where you will notice miraculous shifts in the way you show up in your inner and outer life.

The Gene Keys were brought into the world by the magnificent Richard Rudd who is the most humble, generous and wise man I have ever come across in my life. As you begin diving into the Gene Keys resources such as the Gene Keys book and audio transmissions, you will come to fall in love with Richard Rudd and his poetic way of describing what it truly means to be human and how we can unlock more of our magnificent power.

Listen to Richard sharing a bit about the Gene Keys here:

The Gene Keys found me almost 7 years into my deep inner work journey. I thought that I had uncovered the truths of life and my deepest essence, but little did I know the Gene Keys were about to come in and light a fire up under my life! When my Gene Keys book first arrived I had a potent spiritual experience where something within me knew that I would be devoting myself to these teachings and that I would be here for decades to come.

As I started digging into my Life's Work Gene Key I was utterly baffled to see that Richard Rudd was putting into words the oftentimes very elusive things I had been trying to put my finger on for years. It was as if he was describing the very terrain of my inner being. Over the years as I've deeply contemplated my Gene Keys, my life has flourished in ways I never thought possible. I know, love, and understand myself more than I ever thought I could, and now it has become my deepest mission to help other people do the same.

I am very honoured to now be a Gene Keys Guide (officially affiliated with the Gene Keys) where I get the opportunity to journey alongside others as they dive into the depths of their being to reveal their magic.

You can check out my page on the Gene Keys website below:

Download your Gene Keys Profile to see your personalised roadmap to transformation! Below you can see the example of Hayley’s Gene Keys Profile.

Work with me

If you are seeking guidance on your Gene Keys journey I have a juicy selection of services ranging from free of charge to premium one-to-one support.

Gene Keys Sessions (Soul Activation Sessions)

Book a one-off, 90 minute Gene Keys session with me where I will guide you in understanding your Gene Keys at a deeper level. You not only get a copy of the replay of these sessions, but also a personalised workbook filled with contemplation questions to send you on your way to igniting your destined path through the lens of your Gene Keys.

I focus these sessions on your Life's Work Gene Key while also bringing in wisdom from other Keys in your Profile. If you have been journeying through your Gene Keys prior to this session, you can request any Key in particular you would like me to focus in on for you.

Ignite Your Soul Purpose: 4 Month Immersion

This is my premium offer where you receive the best of my wisdom in one breathtakingly transformational 4-month experience. Watch as the entire way you see yourself and your life shift as we dig into 4 of your Gene Keys across 4 months. This experience includes bi-weekly Gene Key Zooms as well as daily Voxer (voice memo) coaching and guidance.

The Journey Home Membership

While the entire space isn't dedicated to the Gene Keys, you will find heaps of juicy Gene Keys experiences inside the membership including:

Bi-Weekly Gene Keys Study Groups in correlation to the Pulse Gene Key

A Gene Keys Resource Hub filled with videos and how to's on how to get digging with your Gene Keys

A Gene Keys Playground where I share Gene Keys juiciness and offer insights on your specific Gene Keys

Monthly Women's Circle where I often bring the Gene Keys in as part of my teachings

Meghan's Messages from Gaia where one of our beautiful Guides Meghans shares insights from The Dream Arc (an aspect of the Gene Keys)

TJH Podcast

While my Podcast isn't solely about The Gene Keys, they make a very frequent appearance on the show! I release 2 episodes every week with the Monday episode always being "The Weekly Ponder" which is based upon the Gene Key Pulse (the Gene Key pulsing through our universe at this time). In these episode I help to breakdown the Gene Keys and offer guidance in applying them in a practical and tangible way to your life, leaving you with a potent question to ponder for the week ahead.