Take your flame and turn it into a WILDFIRE! 

You’re on the edge of GREATNESS… you know it, I know it. There are just a few things that need tweaking so you can get out of your own damn way and start living your frikin’ magic!

Do you have the feeling deep within you that your life might just be a few tweaks away from bliss? 

You know that you’re a woman who’s full of passion, fire and impact… but sometimes it can feel just out of your reach. 

You’ve been doing the inner work and showing up to access more of your purpose, but you seem to keep burning out and getting in your own way. 

You feel like you hit the answer… then it’s gone. You feel like everything’s finally shifting… and then it’s like you’re right back to where you started again.

You’re sick of asking yourself… “Am I ever going to feel like I’ve fully activated my purpose and the life I’m destined to live? Or am I going to keep living this up and down loop forever?”


A deliciously juicy one to four month immersive experience where we’ll be diving deeeeep into your being through your Gene Key Profile to ACTIVATE YOUR SOUL PURPOSE at a cellular level so you can say goodbye to confusion and self-sabotage and a big fat HELLO to CLARITY by igniting your Soul’s highest potential. 

We’re talking LITTY TITTY authentic AF self-expression being unleashed.

We’re talking revealing your truest strengths so that you can walk more firmly in your magic than ever before.

We’re talking excavating your blind spots and FINALLY getting to transcend the shadows that have been the source of what’s been holding you back all along!

We’re talking not only bringing more fire to your purpose, but to your workplace, your marriage, your motherhood, your passions and your everyday, mundane, magical damn life ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

I’m in the business of FIRE STARTING and I am just DYING to wrap my eyes around your Gene Key Profile so I can guide you right into the heart of your MAGNIFICENCE!



It doesn’t matter if you’ve been exploring your Gene Keys for 57 years or you’re brand bloomin’ new… in your IGNITE YOUR SOUL PURPOSE immersion I’m going to BLOW YOUR MIND as we take your 4 Prime Gene Keys and unlock their fire in your life.

Your Gene Key profile is like your own personal treasure map that leads you directly into your highest purpose.

No more wasting time looking at every ounce of your trauma and trying every bloody healing modality under the sun. Your Gene Keys lead you DIRECTLY to the places you need to go, and I will guide you there in my unique, fun and magical as fuck way.

The Gene Keys are the 64 spectrums of Human Consciousness that will lead you on the most magnificent voyage through your challenges and into your magic.

Want to know more about The Gene Keys?

This video was made for my downloadable Gene Keys freebie but is the perfect video to explain them a little deeper for you!

Because there just ain’t anything else quite like it!

If you speak to any one of my clients, they will tell you straight up that I have a suspiciously magical knack for interpreting the Gene Keys and translating them in a way that applies DIRECTLY to your life. 

I am not only the most enthusiastic Gene Keys Guide that you will ever come across… I am also bloody magnificent at:

  • Digging within you to excavate your magic 

  • Mirroring your wisdom back to you

  • Turning otherwise painful moments as you’re facing some of the darkest parts of yourself into a frikin’ party

  • Pinpointing where you’re holding yourself back and directing you to the answer within yourself

  • Showing you how to peel back the layers of your being so that you can get to the core issues

  • Making you laugh and having the best bloomin’ time while you’re doing the deepest work of your dang life

  • Making you feel seen, heard and held as you move through some major transformation

  • Throwing the word “coach” out the window and replacing it with “that really fun and wise AF friend who you froth digging into all things transformation and soul purpose with”!

I have single handedly taken my own life from shit to bliss and am now living in SOUL IGNITING ALIGNMENT with my purpose every dang day. And I my friend, am here to show you how to do the same. 

Life’s too short to keep teetering around the edge of your magic… let’s JUMP IN and unleash that shit! A life beyond your wildest dreams awaits ❤️‍🔥


Each month inside this hyper-individualised experience will begin with an in depth, mind-blowing Gene Key session (4 Gene Keys in total), followed by daily 1-to-1 Voxer coaching as well as a mid-month check-in Zoom calls. 

  • 4 x 90-120 minute Gene Key Deep Dive Sessions (with replay)

  • 4 x Deep Dive Workbooks written for each of your Gene Keys with prompts and activities that will reveal the magic within you (which of course we take NEXT LEVEL in our Voxer space)

  • 4 x Gene Key audio transmissions from Richard Rudd (Gene Keys author)

  • 4 x 60 minute Monthly Check-in Calls (with replay)

  • 4 x months of 1-to-1 Voxer coaching (Monday-Friday) where I will be in your back pocket helping you to unlock the magic of your being and blowing your mind with transformative wisdom and strategies every dang day as you navigate your inner awakening.

  • The Activation Sequence online course from The Gene Keys (discount available if you already own this course)

  • Enough enthusiasm from me to keep you fuelled up for months to come

IGNITE YOUR SOUL PURPOSE takes you on a 4 month sequential awakening of your GENIUS where you will, month by month, dive into your 4 Prime Gene Keys:

Month 1 - Your Life's Work: Unlocking one of your life’s greatest challenges so you can step into your truest expression of what you're here to do in this life.

Month 2 - Your Evolution: Harnessing the core challenge you will face in your lifetime which acts as a portal into your Highest Self.

Month 3 - Your Radiance: Unleashing the secret to your highest levels of vitality, health, breakthrough and auric potency.

Month 4 - Your Purpose: The truest and highest expression of who you came here to be which will support and ground you so you can live your magic with your feet firmly planted on the ground.


$555 USD per month (x 4)

$2,220 USD pay in full

$599 USD One Month Only

8 month payment plan available for 4-month immersion upon request.


If you’d like to get your feet wet before diving into an immersion, you can book a SOUL ACTIVATION GENE KEY SESSION with me!

In these one-off sessions we will spend 90 glorious minutes diving into your Gene Key Profile and your Life’s Work Gene Key.

If after the session you decide to upgrade to the four or one month immersion, the price of your session will be deducted off your investment ❤️‍🔥

“Mind blowing clarity”

I was so amazed at the accuracy that the reading gave me. It was like Hayley was inside my head and knew me better than my family. Diving deep into my Gene Keys with Hayley helped me to feel  like I was on the right track and a lot of the puzzle pieces started to come together. It gave me real direction and the confidence to really commit to my inward journey. The difference that working with Hayley and the Gene Keys has made in my life is AMAZING. Things just started to come together and the way Hayley has set it all up is so supportive. My relationships have improved because I understand my loved ones so much better. But the biggest takeaway for me is how much deeper and more clearly I understand myself. I most definitely would recommend working with Hayley in this way. It’s the first thing on my path that has truly made sense. I started to understand why I do what I do and how I work best.

Debbie, AUS

“Life changing. Eye opening. Mind blowing”

Every day now, because of my understanding of my Gene Keys, I have a lens to look through that helps me identify my patterns and where they come from, and how I can use these to move me toward my gifts and not get so stuck. I would definitely recommend working with Hayley to understand your Gene Keys and yourself. It has been absolutely life changing for me and there is so much to dig into!

Maddy, AUS

Close your eyes and imagine a life where you are walking in purpose, clarity and power, unapologetically loving and being who you were born to be. You’ve ignited a fire within you that’s changed the way you see EVERYTHING. What once made you feel stuck is now nothing but a bump on the road and an invitation into the treasure trove of your being. You whisper to yourself, “Holy shit… this is what life’s meant to feel like”. Now open your eyes, because it’s about to become your reality.


If I purchase, when do we start?

You can choose to begin your immersion anytime within 3 months of purchase.

What is Voxer?

Voxer is a free voice memo and text app where your daily support and coaching will take place. You can voice message me (or text me) at any time of the day and within my work hours I will reply with voice notes dropping wisdom bombs and guiding you on your continual unfolding. 

Can I have a session of just my Evolution, Radiance or Purpose Gene Key?

The Gene Keys are a sequential experience that have the biggest impact when you approach them in order (beginning with your Life’s Work Key). For this reason I highly recommend beginning with your Life’s Work! But if you have already dug into some of your Gene Keys and would like to begin your voyage with me at a different point in your profile, that is absolutely fine!

Can I have a full reading of my entire Gene Key profile?

To do a proper, comprehensive session of just ONE key it takes 90 minutes. The keys are also designed to deeply contemplate and dig into for a prolonged period of time (a month is a beautiful amount) before moving on to the next key. If you were to have a session for your entire profile at once, there wouldn’t be enough time to give you any deep insight to work with and it would also be very overwhelming! Within both the offers though I do begin your session with a short overview of your profile so you can understand what it all means.

Can’t I just get my free profile and the book and dig into my Gene Keys on my own? Why do I need you?

Oh my, I am SO GLAD you asked! As I mentioned in the explanation of the Gene Keys above, Richard Rudd writes in a very poetic and romantic way which leaves a lot of space for interpretation and filling the gaps. I have conducted Gene Keys sessions for people who have been digging into their keys via the book and even Richard’s courses for quite some time and in 90 minutes with me they were able to understand their Gene Keys on a much deeper and clearer level than they had been able to before. It’s very hard for me to explain to you how I do it… but I just have a gift for understanding the Gene Keys! What doesn’t make a lot of sense to most within the book, comes into my Soul with crystal clarity, like puzzle pieces fitting together in perfect harmony. When I actually look at my own Gene Keys Chart I can see that my ability to conceptualise vast teachings such as these is actually bred into my DNA as one of my greatest gifts! Furthermore, working with me isn’t just about having direct access to my Gene Keys brilliance, you are also receiving my phenomenal expertise on navigating the inward journey. My mentorship containers prior to me ever even including The Gene Keys have been utterly life-changing for every woman who has stepped into them. To be bringing those skills together with my Gene Keys wisdom is pure 🔥 and I cannot wait for you to experience the flourishing transformation.

Can I pay in full or is the only option monthly payments?

There is an option in my store to pay for the full 4-month immersion in a single payment. You can also request an 8-month payment plan.

What an HONOUR it’s going to be to journey so closely alongside you.

If you would like to discuss either IGNITE YOUR SOUL PURPOSE or SOUL ACTIVATION SESSIONS further, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me via Instagram direct message or email me at hayley@tjh.co.nz

With Love, Hayley xo