Do you find yourself feeling pulled towards the path of deep inner work but aren’t quite sure where to begin? Maybe you’ve been journaling, trying meditation, using affirmations but you haven’t quite seen the embodied transformation in your daily life yet.

Heck, maybe you’ve even been digging into yourself for the last 20 years, but you still feel like there is a missing piece and you don’t quite know where to find it. 

Well you’ve come to the right place!

I invite you to step through the magical portal of The Journey Home Membership where you will be guided and supported on your journey back Home to yourself. 

There is something profoundly powerful about women coming together to remember who they are.

Tell me if this sounds familiar… 

You decide you are going all in, you fully commit to the self discovery journey. You create the schedule, you’ve got the journal and pens, or maybe you sign up to the course or invest in the book, but you always end up hitting a wall.

What started off as feeling exciting and nourishing now feels like hard work and a bit shit, so you decide the inner work is not for you and you stop. 

You feel a bit stuck on the never ending hamster wheel of trying to find yourself but getting nowhere. 

“The Journey Home is a space where a woman can blossom and grow into her highest potential”

- Ginger, USA (a Journey Home Member)

Here’s the thing… walking the inward journey isn’t easy!

You face questions like:

Am I doing it right?

Where should I go next?

Am I strong enough to take this path?

Who is my authentic self?

How the heck do you build self-worth?

What even is worth?

Am I just too far gone?

Is all of this even worth it?

Is this just another thing I’m going to fail at?

All of these are questions that can leave you feeling confused and alone. No wonder we struggle to find consistency with doing the inner work when we have questions like those circling around in our minds!

Add to that the fact that our lives are so FULL TO THE BRIM with everything else that needs to be done, and the thing that always ends up falling to the wayside is you.

THE JOURNEY HOME is the place where YOU become a priority again. A place where you feel safe, supported, guided and loved as you tread the golden path back home to yourself. 

The most important relationship you will ever forge in this lifetime is the one you forge with yourself because absolutely EVERYTHING in your life flows from that connection… your connection to you

THE JOURNEY HOME membership is a beautifully curated, living, breathing experience that will support you in becoming a woman who deeply knows, loves and understands herself. 

The Journey Home may be the most affordable way that you can work with me, but my oh my it is still one of the most transformative. Not only I, but also the other beautiful Guides pour so much heart and soul into this hub of connection, safety, inspiration and wisdom and it would be my honour to walk alongside you within our digital haven

“A soul transforming, heart-opening space that is my favourite place to hangout.”

- Debbie, Australia (a Journey Home Member)


Gain instant access to THOUSANDS of dollars worth life-changing content and experiences.

And best of all, The Journey Home platform is off of social media so it can be a place of true refuge and deep inner work without any distractions.

No lock ins. Cancel any time.

“Exactly what I need, when I need it. It's almost as if you've looked inside me, and seen what it is I need in order to shift and move, to break cycles and set myself free; and then you've created the perfect videos, crafted the perfect words and the perfect journal prompts, to lead me down the path of transformation.”

-Lizzie, UK (a Journey Home Member)

Cheaper than a Netflix subsciption


Cheaper than a Netflix subsciption 〰️

One thing that was deeply important to my heart when creating this membership was to have is be affordable and accessible to as many women around the globe as possible. With our relaunch in September 2023, many new elements and much more value was added to the TJH portal, and even though my mind thought we should increase the price, my heart was beating so strongly saying to decrease it.

And so that is what I did.

You can now join The Journey Home membership portal and gain access to ALL of the incredible resources, courses and live events for as low as $11 a month… that means that you get the opportunity to journey Home to yourself for less than a Netflix membership.

There are many people around the globe facing financial strain at the moment as inflation is at an all time high and it is my hearts desire that even amongst those struggles TJH can be a refuge for your Soul and a place to support you through your struggle instead of it being a luxury that you cannot afford.

The pricing is set up to pay what you can depending on your financial situation. But even deeper than that, the pricing is based upon the numerology that is imbedded in The Gene Keys and speaks to the portals of transformation we move through in life.

The 1-1 Portal - $11/month:

This first membership option is for women who find themselves in a financially difficult position yet are deeply craving Home in their lives. In numerology the 1-1 portal represents being in the thick of suffering. It represents being at the beginning of your journey Home to yourself where it feels like you’re stuck in the mud and are seeking a way out. Come and walk through the 1-1 portal for $11 a month as you begin to get yourself unstuck and start seeing the light returning in your life.

The 2-2 Portal - $22/month:

This is the standard membership option for women who feel like they can afford $22 a month. In numerology the 2-2 portal represents the women who is coming to understand that she is safe to walk directly into her challenges and suffering, knowing that all she will find there is more of her magic. This membership option is for the women who are through the initial, very dark days of their journey Home to themselves and are starting to see breakthrough and transformation happening in their lives.

The 3-3 Portal - $33/month:

This membership option is for the woman who finds herself in a more comfortable financial position and would not only like to journey Home to herself, but also support another woman in her journey. You see, the women on the $33 membership are supporting the women on the $11 membership 🥹 Just the thought of this makes my eyes fill with tears. In numerology the 3-3 portal represent transcending duality. It represents deeply understanding the nature of suffering and to no longer fear fear itself. This membership is for the woman who has been walking her inward road for quite some time and is ready to not only keep walking for herself, but for all the women around her as well.

There is ZERO judgement when it comes to choosing which membership is right for you! And if you do choose the $22 or $33 membership, you can change to the $11 pricing at any time and vice-versa.

There are no lock in contracts within TJH and you can cancel your membership at any time.

It is my hope that with this new, more affordable pricing that more women can become a part of our beautiful space and have the opportunity to journey Home to themselves.

Many women have described The Journey Home as “the safest and most welcoming place on the internet”. No matter where you are on your inward journey, whether you’re just getting started or are a well-seasoned digger, the holistic approach of The Journey Home has something for everyone and is a treasure trove of resources, experiences and close knit support that is waiting for you with open and loving arms. 

Hi, I’m Hayley and I identify as a woman who deeply knows, loves and understands herself. 8 years ago chronic illness and anxiety brought me to a rock-bottom moment in my life where I realised I didn’t have a clue who I was. I had spent the first 25 years of my life thinking that I knew me… but it turned out that I had placed all of my worth, safety and my entire identity in things outside of myself. In my career, my achievements, my looks, my relationships… in everything and everywhere accept for in me. And so in my rock-bottom moment, when I felt like giving up, a soft whisper in my heart was beckoning me Home. The last bit of fight that I had left in me was yearning to walk the inward road to find who I truly was. 

And so I started walking. One tiny step in front of the other I navigated my way through the darkness and into the light. Along my journey Home to myself I not only collected the pieces of me, I also collected life-changing wisdom. Wisdom that I now feel so called to share with you so that you too can find your way Home. Within this space, you are not going to experience my “business” or a “niche idea”. In this space my Soul reaches out to yours and says “this way”.

Even if this space was just to bring one woman Home to herself, I would still put in the exact same effort as if it was for 1000, because I deeply believe that one woman alone can send ripples across the Earth and change the world. I ask myself “What if I never found my way Home?” and the answer to that question is the raging fire behind The Journey Home. Just as I fought for myself, and just as I refused to leave myself behind… I too refuse to leave you behind, I too choose to fight for you.

Since beginning TJH (previously Soulfull Journaling) in November of 2020 I have had the honour and privilege of walking alongside hundreds of women as they have navigated their path Home. While I offer one-to-one and intimate small group coaching experiences, The Journey Home will always be such a special and transformative space. Being able to afford a high-touch coaching experience isn’t always an option for everyone, so to be able to offer this affordable space where the level of support and coaching is of such a high calibre is my greatest honour. 

“The Journey Home is a breath giving adventure into your own inner landscape with the most inspiring, loving and zestful guide.”

-Meghan, USA (a Journey Home Member)

What the members are saying about their experience…


Does it matter what timezone I’m in or can I join from anywhere in the world?

We’ve had women from over 20 different countries inside of The Journey Home. The content such as the courses and meditation are all self-paced so your time zone has no impact on your ability to utilise the materials. Each month however we have a few live events such as The Campfire and the Masterclasses. Because there are women from all around the globe inside the membership, I stagger live event times from month to month to ensure everyone gets an opportunity to join live. The women who are unable to attend a particular event live always love to soak up its goodness inside the replay library!

Do I need to understand The Gene Keys to be a part of the membership?

Definitely not! Even though you will find many Gene Keys resources and experiences inside TJH, you do not need to have Gene Keys experiences to soak up their goodness. There is a complete beginning guide to The Gene Keys within the membership to help you on your way. However, even if you had zero interest in The Gene Keys a don’t wish to utilise those resources, there is still a PLETHORA of other journeying Home materials and experiences to soak up.

Am I locked into the membership once I join?

Absolutely not. The Journey Home memberships are paid month by month and you have the option to cancel anytime and come and go as you feel called.

How much coaching do I get access to inside the membership?

While The Journey Home doesn’t provide the same high-touch level of coaching that women receive in my one-to-one and intimate group coaching programs, it is still a haven of glorious support where you will feel held and nurtured by not only me but the other women and Guides inside the community as well. As a Journey Home member you have access to me for questions and support via both the comments section of all the content and via direct messaging (which is a feature inside The Journey Home website & app… so cool right!?). I am there to support and guide you as you journey through the Courses (Journeys) as well as all the other life-changing aspects of the membership! The level of support you have access to within The Journey Home is a major factor that sets it apart from many other memberships out there.

Do I have a certain time-frame to complete the courses within?

All of the Journeys (courses) are self-paced with no timeframes attached. Even though a brand new course drops inside The Journey Home every single month, you are under no obligation to be completing 1 course per month. Some of the courses like COMING HOME take months to complete, while others like BREAKING FREE could be completed within weeks. The materials and resources inside The Journey Home are for you to explore at your own delicious and nourishing pace.

As always, you are incredibly welcome to come on over to my DM’s on Instagram or email me at if you have any further questions about The Journey Home.

Sending you heaps of love,

Hayley xxx